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New academic programme?

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Hello! Today's post it's going to be a little difficult haha, I hope it goes well.

I choose this university because I liked a lot the curriculum of my carrer, it was what I wanted because there's a balance between the humanistic and the scientist side and other universities were heavily loaded to an one of these extremes and to be honest with you guys, I hate the scientist part but it's necessary in our knowledge. 
However, I didn't know too much about co-curricular activities and when I started my first year I'd got dissapointed. The JGM campus has this giant sport camp, but the sport that I was looking it wasn't there ): . Since 2018 I practice "Crossfit" and it was very difficult for me to continue doing this sport at the same time that I was studying. The schedules didn't match with my training times that I had been doing. 
The campus has the implemments to do this course, because there is a similar one called "Halterofilia" and in Crossfit we use the Olympic bars a lot so I hope one day they can add it to the co-curricular activities. 
Another recurring problem it's matching your schedule with the co-curricular activities. Most of the hours that this last activities have are in the morning and in your firsts years you only have courses at that time, so it's very hard to take one of them. Also, it's very sad because you are a little bit obligated to do this courses when you are in your final years, because the Faculty gives you more priority at this time on the career so it's almost unthinkable to take one of these activities on yout first or second year. 

CrossFit Games - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre


  1. Hi! I also liked the balance that exists in the study program between the humanistic and scientific

  2. I hope that the university integrates more sports activities between its courses and it will be possible for you to practice crossfit again :D


  3. I would also like to have the possibility of doing the co-curricular courses during the first years, in the future there will be more difficult courses and the workload will become heavier

  4. i also hate the scientist part of the career but i have gotten used to it

  5. The truth is, friend, if we had sport, I'd be bad at everything haha


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