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Hi everyone :) 
This is my first blog of my life, so i hope it goes well haha.

On this ocassion I'm writting about the country I would like to go.

The picture I picked it's a place that I didn't know, until recently and It's the Uyuni Salt Plat. This place it is on Bolivia, and I discovered that this country has other beautiful landscapes with big mountains, high plateau, cactus, endemic fauna, etc. I'm a person that enjoy's this tipe of travels, because you can  feel the energy of the nature on his maximum splendour.

The information that I have about this country it's very little, I know that they respect their native people so that's why they're a very diverse society and his president is Evo Morales.

If I can stay a long period I would like to do a voluntary work to know better the culture, but if it's not possible I'm happy with visiting the Salt plat and the sorrounding places. 

In spite of that, I wouldn't live or work on this country, because I heard that the government it's rascal and I can't stand more politicians that manage so badly the country.



  1. wow!, it seem that you have good vibes. I never expected that someone wanted to go to this country.

  2. I've always thought that being close to nature and feeling it, is the best sensation in life

  3. I would like to drink cocoroco, the second strongest alcoholic drink , and it belongs to Bolivia

  4. I once heard that you can float in Uyuni's salt plat!

  5. Not so many people want to visit countriues here in southamerica, so it's nice to know of someone that want to travel inside the region. Now the idea of traveling to Bolivia attracts me a little more.


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